Commission publishes review of inclusion and healthy living

March 25, 2011

The Commission has published its review Fit for purpose? which examines London 2012’s ambitious commitments to healthy living and inclusion. 

The Commission summarises its findings in the review by stating that the level of commitment to healthy living and inclusion is unprecedented. To many people, it may seem obvious that staging the Olympic and Paralympic Games would herald a new era of sports participation, physical fitness and improved health. However, the evidence from past Games reveals that these links are not at all obvious and certainly not automatic. This has not deterred London 2012 nor the many agencies involved in delivering the healthy living programmes outlined in the review. As a consequence, achievements in this area should be truly groundbreaking. 

The Commission finds that the overall work done to promote healthy living and inclusion by the ODA and LOCOG is exemplary. However, the Commission is concerned that it will be impossible to prove whether one of the London 2012 Games’ most ambitious aims has been met: the aim to create a clear link between hosting the Games and improving the health of people living in London. This link has never been proven by a host city before and to be able to do so in London would be an international first. By failing to research current levels of Londoners’ physical activity and general health, there is no baseline from which success can be determined. The Commission sees this as a major lost opportunity.