2012 Review of the preparations to stage Sustainable Games
Recommendation 2 of 8



That LOCOG clarify, monitor and report on where it will and will not be using alternatives to HFC, setting out the rationale for any cases where it will be using HFC. In addition, where HFC-based systems are used that they are well maintained and managed to prevent any possible leakage of HFC.


Status at 31 Mar 2013


LOCOG achieved a reduction in non-essential HVAC of 82%, reducing any HFC requirement. Temporary HVAC was using HFC. Domestic fridges and refrigeration supplied by Coca Cola were HFC free. Containerised cold stores all used HFC as no alternatives were available. LOCOG sought alternatives but were not able to source them. A greater response from industry is required to take this forward for future events. Complete

Status at 01 Oct 2012

Progress Made

Status at 31 Mar 2012

Progress Made

We have seen evidence of spreadsheets being prepared in order to track HFC use in venues. We are still to see similar evidence for catering refrigeration. Progress Made